Monday, August 1, 2011

Adding light and pretty air!

I finally got some good light in the garage.  There are 4 more banks to go up, but it should look like a surgical room when its done.  Its amazing what a little extra light does.  My days in the garage used to have to end when the sun retired, now I can keep crankin to the wee hours!

 The air box also got some attention.  A little wire brushing and sanding and she was nice and smooth.  Rustoleum no rust primer followed by some hammered silver finished it out.  I think it turned out pretty well!

The fuel tank sump also cleaned up nicely.  I happen to be fortunate that my neighbor has a fine sand blaster.  The fuel filter assembly (right) looked horrible.  It cleaned up SO well after just a minute in the blast cabinet.  I am now starting to grab odds and ends and set them aside for blasting.  Why wire brush when you can let high velocity abrasive do the work for you??

1 comment:

  1. I think that blasting is almost always the first choice. Sometimes a little slow but very effective.
